Monday, 26 January 2009

Sigh…Yeah.. I missdd yesterday ..dnt post anyhtin.. Well Had a very hectic Day..Started off on a very funny note.. On my way to office,,had to navigate through a series of bumper cracking incidents. And the last one which I came across happnd to be my School Friend… A guy had hit her car from behind damaging her Bumper. They were waiting for the Police to arrive to prepare a report for insurance perposes. As she as alone..I descided to give her and her sister company. Adding to the traffic Fiasco. But it was funn..reached office late..hence the chaos. So dht get time to post anything,,and was very tired by the evening..

Saturday, 24 January 2009


I hate Saturdays..coz I wrk on saturdays!!!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

M Gonna start posting Pictures now...Thats gonna make it more interesting!!!!
Yaan!!!! Well that explains..slept late last night..relegious talks..they are so captivating that one forgets everything else..infact I realised..that in a day..there are so many signs one gets from god to get on the right path..and we ignore them all the time...Thats really sad.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Hmm..watched the inauguration of the 44th president of USA. What difference is it gonna make in our lives!!?? Well nothing really..thats wht I think. Nyways, saw this movie last nite..Vintage Point( I Think..WOW..I forgot the name!!!!..I always suspected myself of having a prob wth short term memory loss)..well it’s a nice watch it..its the one with Dennis Quaid in it..

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Driving is my after lunch today on my way back to the office, i took a detour.. thought of going where i have not been b4. SO Rouet 85 it was...(Where the hell is that!!??). Thats the way which takes one to Doha..well not the Doha in Qatar!! the one in Q8..Wanted to see where the so called entertainment city is...upon reachin there..found the gates to be closed ( R they open only on Friday/ Saturday). Well me and my cousins are planing to visit it this friday. hope its fun..
Driving is so much fun in some parts of the world. But where I am right now…it takes just 5 mins for me to cover a stretch of 13 km from my house to the office. Its so boring. Everyone drives in their lane, no one honks at you. I start the engine, engage the D..and accelerate, and I have reached office… It makes me kinda nostalgic, whn we are in school, and the bus ride seems so short, you(atleast me) want it to be a bit longer, the same thing with me whn I m driving dwn to the office. So its not really anyhthin different is it!!! You go to school or the office, you r still that kid who wants to get a longer ride ( Duh!!) .. good morning!!!!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Thought of reviving the the dead is my blog. To be honest, I had no Idea what a blog is a couple of years back. Then I got a new cellphone, which had a feature to blog the pictures i took instantly through Eblogger. I signd up on Blogger..Started uploading pictures, and one day I stopped for no apparant reason. As you can see, I have deleted all the older posts and all the Pictures. Todaay Onwards, I start to blog again!!! lets C where it goes. And yeah, Please dont expect me to write in perfect english, I will use slang and will have a lot of typo errors. So do bare with me..